Thursday, 10 March 2011

Panic stations everyone!!!

Okay... right... breathe...  where to begin?

I'm panicking.  I admit it.  I can't help it.  I'm now stressing because I don't know whether I spelt panicking correctly or not.  Spellcheck doesn't seem to have picked it up, but who knows.  Spellcheck doesn't always get it right!!!

Okay, I'm back.

As I said previously, I'm in a bit of a state.  For the last 2 days I had to go into work at the fruit shop.  I'm happy to help David out in his world, but my biggest problem is that when I work in the shop, I'm not near a computer!!!  It's absolute hell.  I can't fill out any spreadsheets, review competitor websites, sign on any more suppliers, research more products, read blogs, write blogs, check Facebook, add more stock to Facebook, write content for the website etc etc etc.  I have 17 lists going at the moment (seriously).  I don't shop, cook or clean anymore.

Plus, I'm not home to receive all the stock I've ordered.  So now I have to go to the worst Post Office in Brisbane to pick it up.  All that beautiful stock is sitting there calling for me and here I am blogging away like a fool!

Now, I'm not the busiest Mum out there.  Not by a loooong shot.  I've been thinking if I'm THIS bad now, how much worse is it going to get?  Then, a little ray of sunshine via Facebook! 

Heather Allard writes a blog called "The Mogul Mom".  She's funny and smart - a deadly combination with us entrepeneurial Mums (or Mumpreneurs if you like buzzwords). 

Anywho - Heather has written a blog called 7 ways For Mom Entrepreneurs to Save Time Money and Sanity.  You don't need to be an "Entrepeneur" and maybe she could have just written "7 ways for Mums to save time, money and sanity", or "7 ways for the average person to save time, money and sanity" but there are a couple of good hints and tips.   I could have done without knowing what underwear she wears and the makeup she uses, but if I find a couple of hours one day I might do a menu plan, I've tried it before but wasn't successful - this version seems easier in the long run.  I'm now kicking myself we didn't get a robot vacuum cleaner when we were living in Seoul.  Would be SO useful right now.  Plus, it'd keep the kids amused for hours - am I right?

Now, I'm going off to write my own time saving blog for you all.  It's called:

STOP READING OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOGS AND GET TO WORK!!! And other methods of being a highly efficient Mumpreneur.

I need to think of a really cool way of signing off...

Have a "treasureful" day??  That stinks worse than Cash's nappy!

I'll think about it, but for now - be good!


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